Doula Testimonials

“Mari was my doula for my first birth and she was great. She always made my husband and I feel comfortable. She helped us prepare for our birth and made me feel comfortable and not judged with every decision I made along the way. She was the best support person and was a champ and stayed in the hospital for over 20 hours while I labored until my baby made his entrance. An experience my husband and I are grateful to look back on and have her be a part of. She helped prepare us for not just labor and delivery but postpartum and asked great questions to get us thinking about things we had not yet considered to help better prepare us. I’m so grateful. Thank you Mari.”

— Carly, Baby Andrew’s Mom

“I’ve had the privilege of experiencing doula services as well as massage and I could not recommend Mari more! She is knowledgeable, approachable, and meets you where you are. I felt support throughout my prenatal journey, labor and birth, and continue to feel supported in postpartum - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Not only did she provide comprehensive assistance through doula services and massage therapy, but also continues to keep me connected to resources and other local supports. She also has a variety of offerings, catered to the client and includes a sliding scale for pricing, making services accessible. Mari truly takes a holistic approach to care. I am excited to continue my journey with Mari.”

— Melissa, Baby Maddox’s Mom

“I started seeing Mari for prenatal massage during my second pregnancy. I was already planning an out of hospital birth and knew I wanted a doula. After meeting with her to discuss hiring her as our doula my husband and I knew right away she would be the perfect fit. Mari is knowledgeable, encouraging, and a source of incredible calm. Receiving massage therapy through my pregnancy saved my sanity as I suffered from a lot of back and pubic pain. I’ve never had a massage like I’ve had from Mari - I felt so much care and compassion in addition to physical relief. She’s truly magical and I can’t recommend her services highly enough.”

— Grace, Baby Lou’s Mom

“I felt cared for in a way my others in my life weren't able to provide, by someone with the specificity of knowledge around the pregnant body for the massages and the birthing experience overall. Having you at the birth was amazing as it helped make it feel more like a normalized part of life instead of a medical incident to endure.”

— Stephanie, Baby Simone’s Mom

“I didn’t have many fears going into the birth, after lots of preparation mentally and physically as well as connecting with other mamas that have experienced birth I was confident going into it. I feared ending up in the hospital and the potential cascade of interventions on hand and my biggest fear was a cesarean. Mari helped us create a beautiful birth plan that put the focus on our top priorities for how we envisioned the birth to be. The most valuable decision we made through the entire process! Her hands on expertise during the labor and birth was invaluable! Her calm, positive energy helped push me through the pain that came with each contraction. She is extremely professional and was always there to help with questions I had through pregnancy and beyond! … May be new to the doula game but you are well educated and extremely professional. We loved how you brought an unbiased approach to helping us through this journey! Also including prenatal massage was such a huge perk! Every mama deserves to be pampered and taken care of throughout! Thank you Mari <3”

— Chloe, Baby Zen’s Mom

“Fear of the pain of childbirth and interest in learning more about the birthing process led us to hire a doula and we felt very prepared going into the birth. While we weren't able to use/do all the pain management tactics that we planned for, the birth wasn't a scary process in the end. Mari was by our side, trying execute as much of the birth plan as possible even though things were very different than expected. We also had peace of mind that we could call when I was going into labor and Mari would walk us through next steps and what to expect. The whole experience was valuable - especially walking through the birth plan and education Mari provided us. I personally found relief in the massages.”

— Rachel, Baby Harrison’s Mom

“This was my first child and the postpartum season was nerve racking for me, Mari helped me feel supported and cared for during this tough season. She went above and beyond in offering ways to support me… My favorite part was her in home visits where she massaged me while I held and cared for my baby on the table, it was a beautiful thing to share with my newborn and helped me get some relief in areas of my body that really needed it… If you choose to hire Mari, you will gain a knowledgeable, compassionate, and passionate support person during a season where the mother isn’t always put first.”

— Courtney, Baby Liv’s Mom